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Problem Classification Sub-Method***

  1. Using defeasible reasoning, classify the degree or type of the following properties of your problem:

  1. The degree of given information in the problem.  Decide if the given information in the problem seems sufficient to solve the problem, or if too much or seemingly un-necessary information or resources are given in the problem.

  1. The degree of technicality or difficulty of the problem.

  1. The degree you are familiar with resources that likely relate to the problem.   Resources such as given information in the problem, theorems that relate to your type of problem, etc.

  1. The closest types of mathematical problems to your problem, and the branch of mathematics that your problem belongs to in order to recall commonly used tools for solving problems in that field(s) of mathematics.

  1. Other rules of classifying problems in order to know which heuristics and strategies would be appropriate to apply to the problem, and in what manner to apply them.

  1. After classifying your problem into its variety of categories, you may decide to stop the “standard” problem-solving steps outlined in this section because of an approach to solving the problem that becomes obvious after classifying the properties of the problem.  Be sure that whatever approach you follow takes into account the problem-solving control principles as outlined on page 85.

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